Adopting A Child: Are you frustrated with the adoption process? Considering giving up? Read what happened to one couple who waited through the struggles.
Adopting A Child Video: Eric Ludy shares how God gave him a passion for orphans around the world.
Adult Children of Alcoholics: Have you been told that you’d be just like your drunken parents? Want to avoid that? Read what others do?
Alzheimers Support: How can you help someone suffering from Alzheimer’s? This article can start you off on that journey with some helpful ideas.
Anger Management For Parents: Do you find yourself getting angry at your kids? Discover practical ways to keep your cool and help your children learn from their mistakes.
Anger Management Techniques: Learn practical ways of managing your angry feelings. These techniques will make a lasting impact when you choose to implement them.
Bed Wetting: How can you respond to your child's tendency to wet the bed? Consider helpful advice and information. Learn to cope.
Blended Families: Is it possible to successfully combine two families? What can I do to guide this process? Here’s a plan to guide you!
Blessings of Cancer: It is better to add life to your years than to add years to your life. God can turn anything for His good.
Borderline Personality Disorder: Learn more about this hard illness and the treatment options available. Find hope for complete healing and wellness.
Breast Cancer Diagnosis: I questioned why God allowed this to happen. Hadn’t God just promised that He had a wonderful plan for my life?
Breast Cancer Recurrence: I learned many lessons as a result of my recurrence. I learned to take a more active role in my health.
Breast Cancer Survivor: A personal story about finding peace, joy and hope in the midst of cancer and other trials of life.
Breast Cancer Treatment Options: The overwhelming task of choosing doctors and treatment options -- Where do you begin and who do you trust?
Cancer Patients: Are you reeling from a cancer diagnosis? Wondering why this happened to you? Find out who to trust for comfort.
Cancer Patients Video: Learn from Tamara Jolee and her battle with cancer. What is her response to this life-changing event?
Cancer Support Groups: As we share our journey with cancer, we get strength and hope from each other, from the Bible, and from prayer.
Cancer Treatment: Read one woman’s story of stage 4 cancer and the hope that pulled her through and gave her strength for treatment.
Caring For The Elderly: What is involved in care-giving? Learn helpful tips for transitioning into this time of life. Read a personal story.
Caring for the Elderly Video: What is the value of elderly people? What can we learn from them? Find out helpful insights here.
Child Discipline: When should a parent begin disciplining their children? Learn why it is important in their development and basic principles to make it effective.
Christian Family Counseling: Is it time to examine your most important ministry - your family? Here's a wakeup call and some helpful hints.
Christian Marriage Counseling: Are you looking for help and support in your relationship? Consider the expertise of counsel from a biblical perspective.
Christian Marriage Counseling Video: The psychologists and marriage experts explain how fighting, if done right, can actually strengthen a relationship. How?
Christian Parenting Video: How do parents impart a Christian world-view to their kids? Lael Arrington opens up about the challenges of parenting and raising children to love the Lord.
Christian Testimony Video: You have got to watch this story of Greg Outlaw who was pronounced terminally ill and what happened after that! You name it drugs, alcohol, sexual addiction, materialism, hedonism, and a lifestyle of debauchery -- nothing can change a life like God can!
Christians and Porn: Follow the journey of one man to darkness. Realize the spiritual implications of pornography.
Chronic Fatigue: Is this a real disease or a crutch for those unwilling to work? Is it really diagnosable?
Chronic Pain: A personal story of trial and denial. An answer to prayer. Turning pain into a deeper relationship with God.
Chronic Pain Relief: Strategies for coping with chronic pain. Practical advice, purposeful instruction, and spiritual reevaluation.
Coping With Anxiety: Is your life full of stress and worry? Would you like your thoughts to be free of worry? Learn techniques for minimizing anxious thoughts.
Coping with Anxiety Video: You don't have to teach someone how to worry. It comes naturally. How can we find peace in the midst of worry?
Coping with Crisis: How do you handle crisis? This author will share helpful tips that she learned through a serious illness.
Coping With Depression: Do you know the options that are available to fight it? A combination of treatments may be best.
Coping with Depression Video: Nick Vujicic's music video of Something More. How can we gain peace as we travel difficult roads in our life?
Coping With Divorce: A huge and growing concern in our society. The official statistics, financial costs and human effects of divorce.
Coping With Loneliness: Friends can let us down when they turn away during a life crisis. When we're alone, who can we turn to?
Coping with Loneliness Video: Are you struggling with lonely feelings? Find hope and encouragement from an online coach.
Coping With Miscarriage: Understanding the myths surrounding pregnancy loss. Discovering the truth of loss and grief.
Coping With Separation: Whether long term or short term, being apart can be devastating. Learn how to deal with these situations.
Coping with Stress at Work: What are some tips for managing stressful work situations? Find helpful guidance and a personal story.
Cure for Anxiety: Are you struggling with anxious thoughts? Read about the causes and find help for your anxiousness? Find hope.
Dealing with Bullying: What is bullying and how should we react to it? What are tips to dealing with it? Find help here.
Dealing with Bullying Video: The Bible tells us that we are created in the image of God. And because that image is in us, all life is sacred.
Dealing With Death: Are you trying to cope with the loss of a loved one? Find out the role that trust plays in this process.
Dealing With Death Video: Brian Deegan and Ronnie Faisst talk about the death of their good friend Jeremy Lusk. What is the message they want you to hear?
Dealing With Depression: Identify symptoms such as sadness, discouragement, and despair. Realize that many cases require treatment and medical therapy.
Dealing with Depression Video: Sheila Walsh talks about her lowest point and the hope and healing she finally found. What was her turning point?
Dealing with Difficult People: Are there certain people who just rub you the wrong way? Find out tips on how to get past the insults.
Dealing with Difficult People Video: It's not about being a good person. It's about being like Jesus. This video challenges each of us to reflect on and examine how we live each day...and how we love others.
Decision Making: How do we know what is the right choice and what is the wrong choice? Find helpful information.
Discouragement: Do you find yourself discouraged with your life’s circumstances? Do your situations seem too hard to handle? Find help and encouragement here.
Discouragement Video: How can gratitude change our lives? How do we cultivate the response of gratitude?
Divorce Questions: Where can we find the answers to our questions? What is the biblical view of divorce? What's the bottom line?
Emotional Infidelity: What is this and is it really that harmful to participate in? Am I being unfaithful to my spouse?
Empty Nest: Learn how to find peace and contentment when the children leave home. Discover tips from others who have been there.
Family Conflicts: Is the continual conflict causing you stress? Do you want it to stop or at least get resolved? Consider these thoughts.
Fantasize: Is it wrong to dream of life with someone else and live that fantasy in my mind? Is it harmful for my marriage?
Fear of Failure: How can I find victory despite the anxiety that I might fail? How do I find the motivation to persist under trial?
Fear of Failure Video: Bridge the gap between frustrating old feelings and emerging new realities of who Jesus is and who you are.
Feeling Alone: Do you face those lonely feelings and don’t know how to cure them? Consider these words of wisdom.
Feeling Alone Video: Are your friends just names in a directory? Or are they true friends? Do you feel alone?
Forgiving Infidelity: Find healing following an extramarital affair. Receive hope and start fresh. Fill the emptiness with true love.
Forgiving Infidelity Video: Jeff and Cheryl Scruggs share their struggle to keep faithful. What was the result?
Gastric Bypass Surgery: Read a harrowing personal account of one woman’s incredible health obstacles and how God intervened in her life!
Gifts From God: God gave me my last days to see His wonderful plan being worked out in the lives of those I love.
God and Suffering: Why does it seem like children suffer? Why are there so many seemingly innocent people who go through undeserving trial?
God and Suffering Video: Why does God allow suffering? Why do seemingly innocent people suffer? Learn from Greg Laurie.
God's Will: I developed a deeper relationship with God. I developed a deeper appreciation for God’s will in my life.
God’s Plan for my Cancer: I finally turned my cancer over to God and His plan. This helped me release much of my fear.
Grief Process: Are you hurting due to the loss of a loved one? A greater understanding of loss will help you cope.
Grief Process Video: Randy Moore shares helpful tips on coping with grief. How did he survive? Find out here.
Guilt: Understand what it is and how to overcome it. What is its purpose and why does it plague us?
Hair Loss: Do you find hair daily in the bottom of your shower? Should you be concerned? Find out what is “normal” hair loss.
Healing A Broken Heart: Are you shook up with grief from a break-up or loss? Learn helpful tips about mending your soul.
Healing a Broken Heart Video: Is your spirit broken? Sheila Walsh shares the cure for healing your broken heart.
Hepatitis C: Earthly diseases are discouraging if we forget who ultimately controls all things. What can Jesus do for your condition?
How to Cope with Anger: What are some tips to coping with anger? How can I defuse the anger and bitterness that I have in my heart?
How to Die: Are you at a point of no return? Has the meltdown occurred, and now thoughts of getting out are running through your mind?
How to Help Children Cope with Death: How do children grieve? Learn helpful tips on how to share death with a child and practical guidance on grief.
Husband Addicted to Porn: Have you discovered your husband’s secret? How should you react? How do you work through the emotions you are feeling? Learn here.
Inside The Mind Of A Sex Addict: Hear one man's testimony of his struggle with pornography and addiction. Discover how he found help and forgiveness.
Joy of the Lord: Cancer can make us bitter or better. I found that the joy of the Lord is very important in my healing process.
Late Term Abortion: What should you consider before making a decision about this form of abortion? Consider this woman’s story and advice.
Late Term Abortion Video: The Bible tells us that we are created in the image of God. And because that image is in us, all life is sacred.
Life Challenges: Are you dealing with the struggles of life, wondering if it will ever get better? Find help for various issues here.
Life Challenges Video: Are you going thru a challenging time in life? Spend time reflecting on this music video. Be encouraged.
Living with In Laws: What are some practical tips for living with your in-laws? What situations can be avoided? How can everyone live together harmoniously?
Love: What is love? How is it defined? How does it differ from lust? What does the Bible say about the differences?
Love Addiction: Do you know someone who seems to be addicted to dating and romance? There’s a name for that; read this article to find out more.
Manage Attention Deficit Disorder: My child had been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. What is it? What does that mean? How can I get more information about managing ADD/ADHD?
Managing Diabetes: What is diabetes? What causes it? Can I do anything to prevent diabetes? Should I change my diet?
Manic Depressive: What is this condition? Whom does it affect? What are the treatment options? Is there hope for recovery?
Marital Infidelity: Statistics and facts regarding extramarital relationships are undeniable. Evidence points to these statistics being on the increase.
Marital Infidelity Video: The Parks share of their marriage struggles and how they worked through the challenges. What was the key?
Marital Intimacy: How can I develop a strong bond with my spouse? Is this strong connection with my spouse possible?
Marriage Conflict: Why do we seem to fight? I thought we were so in love. Learn helpful techniques for managing conflict in your marriage.
Marriage Conflict Video: What is public perception of sex, marriage, love? Discover the purpose of sex, marriage, and love. How does it impact you?
Meaning in Tragedy: The news is continually filled with tragedy. Is there a purpose in it? Why does God allow these horrible things to happen?
Meaning in Tragedy Video: Listen as Sujo John shares his experiences from the terrorist attacks on September 11. Where did he find strength?
Menopause: What takes place when a woman comes into this stage of life? What are the symptoms when menses ceases? Read more.
Metastatic Breast Cancer: Discover renewed hope in your life battle. Read how one woman found peace and joy in the midst of pain.
Military Wife: Discover helpful advice on how to cope with the stress and loneliness of a husband who has been deployed.
Miscarriage Statistics: The definitions and statistics underlying miscarriage. The physical and emotional effects.
My Purpose in Life: God does answer prayers in mysterious ways. He answered my most fervent prayers for the soul of my beloved son.
Obesity Help: Are you struggling to make sense of your weight problem. Read a personal story here and find hope.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Read more about this disorder called OCD. Here you’ll discover answers to your basic questions -- find symptoms and lasting peace.
Overcome Fear: Is it possible to conquer fears? Understand their origin and how to best counteract their power in your life.
Overcome Fear Video: Speaking in public, going bald and gnomes...we all have fears. Watch as the Skit Guys go through 5 ways to kill fear in your life.
Overcoming Jealousy: Jealous thoughts are a daily struggle for all of us. Can these thoughts be controlled or removed? Discover the answer!
Pancreatitis: Painful inflammation of the large gland behind the stomach. A look at the symptoms, causes and possible treatments of acute and chronic forms of this painful condition.
Panic Attacks: The doctor says you’re healthy, but your heart is racing, your stomach is nauseous, and breathing is difficult. What’s wrong?
Parenting: What are the keys to being a good parent? What can you learn from others who have gone before you?
Parenting a Child with Special Needs: What are tips for parenting a child with special needs? Learn from the perspective of a young woman with special needs.
Parenting Plan: Learn the most important valuables to parenting and how to keep things running smoothly. Value what most important.
Parenting Tips: Are you mentally prepared to meet the demands of parenting? Do you want to be a better parent? If so, start here.
Post Abortion Syndrome: The pain, guilt and depression. The gift of forgiveness. A story of hope from one survivor.
Post Abortion Syndrome Video: A couple who aborted their first child discusses the forgiveness that has healed their marriage and lives.
Prayers for Healing: God is our hope and promise. He is in control and He does perform miracles. We are part of His family.
Premarital Sex: Is it morally right or wrong? How do I know for sure? What should I take into consideration when making this decision?
Preparing for Marriage: How can a couple best prepare for a healthy married life together? What things should be discussed and considered?
Quest for Happiness: How can I find true happiness in my life? Find out how to implement this plan. What can we learn from a game of Frisbee?
Quest for Happiness Video: It's exhausting being the best. What does that mean? Listen as Pete Briscoe shares his story.
Reflections of a Son: My mother’s last hours on earth reflected a powerful life of courage, strength, and faith in Jesus Christ.
Retirement Planning: When preparing for this life transition, remember the emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of your life. Be prepared in all areas.
Reverse Aging: Why is getting older thought to be a disease? View the trends and learn the truth about aging.
Ripples of Influence: As a pebble in a pond creates numerous rings of influence, so did my mother in the lives of those she touched.
Self Worth: What is image based upon? Is it possible to self create yourself a healthy image or worth? Learn more now.
Self Worth Video: Actress Janine Turner speaks of rejection and show business. What caused her to see herself in a respectful way?
Separation Anxiety: Learn more about anxiety disorders and when to seek professional help. Discover how to help your child overcome these experiences.
Shame and Regret: What is the meaning of shame? Regret? Why do we face these emotions and how can we recover?
Sibling Rivalry: How do I deal with sibling rivalry in my family? Will my children grow up with unhealthy relationships with each other?
Sibling Rivalry Video: How can parents tune down sibling rivalry? Learn these helpful tips.
Signs Of Depression: Tiredness, mood swings, difficulty coping with life. If you are experiencing symptoms indicating a depressed nature, seek help. Learn more here.
Signs of Gluten Intolerance: What are the signs of gluten intolerance and Celiac Disease? What is the difference? Find helpful tips on starting the gluten free lifestyle.
Single Parent: Identify your struggles and find support for your family. You have a tough job, but you can survive!
Single Parent Video: Shawna shares how God worked through her situation as a single parent. What was her hope?
Single Woman: Read a story of a woman who longed to get married, compared herself to other married women, and finally learned to be content.
Single Woman Video: Shawna shares about the struggles of being a single woman and the struggles that came with marriage.
Spouse Abuse: Does your spouse get angry over seemingly minor things? Is it always your fault? Can this behavior be changed?
Stillbirth: Read a personal story of a couple who coped through this devastating situation. How did they get through?
Stillbirth Video: This music video will help you grieve and be comforted. Listen to Dressed In White by Mary Como.
Stress Relief: Feeling overwhelmed with the pressures of life and your busy schedule? Learn how to cope and find refreshment.
Suicide Of A Child: Are you grieving the loss of your son or daughter from suicide? Read how one mother survived the horrific loss of her son.
Teen Pregnancy: Are you, or someone you love, faced with a hard decision of how to handle this huge life change? Find out more.
Television Addiction: Is this obsession becoming a problem in many families? What are some practical solutions to this addiction?
Total Surrender to God: I learned to give my total life to God. I would spend the rest of my life in total surrender to Him.
Traumatic Brain Injury: Read one man’s account of living with TBI – his struggles, alienation, and how he found hope for living.
Trusting God: Cancer has taught me to trust. When I release my cancer to God, He works everything out for good.
Trying to Conceive: Are you struggling with infertility and trying to cope emotionally? Consider these insightful tips for coping in a healthy manner.
Unplanned Pregnancy: Do you find yourself with the question of what to do next? Where do I turn? What resources are available?
Verbal Abuse: What abuse does name calling fall under? Are you in an abusive situation? Don’t know what to do? Read here.
Winter Blues: Do you struggle with depression during the cold months? Find practical solutions and spiritual guidance here.
Working Mom: Do you find yourself stressed and trying to get everything done -- trying to meet the needs of each part of your family? Find help.
All About Parenting: All parents desire to be effective in their child raising. Learn how to improve your skills and techniques.
All About Life Challenges: Find strength and hope to go survive the hard times of life – divorce, miscarriage, addiction, illness, pain, death, etc. You can rest with calm assurance.